May 26, 2024

Sunday May 26th~

 Keep Pounding.   LETS GO CATS! We have the Talent.
We have the Heart…we have paid our dues…TIME FOR Sir 
PANTHER.  This is the year of the Panther...

 The Florida Panthers (NHL) are in the playoffs for the 
Stanley Cup.  When we were in Fort Lauderdale there were 
banners everywhere already celebrating the Panthers.  Hopefully
 this will be their year 🙏 to win the Stanley Cup.  It's been a 
long time now since Arvid and I went to a hockey game.

Arvid and I sampled quite a few drinks.  The best were in
 this restaurant called Cuba Libre on Las Olas.  The Latin people 
just know how to do the drinks right.  Especially the ones I like.
  The best drinks I have ever had was in Puerto Rico. So good.

Of course we could not go all the way to Fort Lauderdale 
and not go to Houston's.  So many places to choose from, but this
 one always wins out.  The only place we both eat the same thing.

The beach was preparing for the long weekend with many 
hotels setting up a a little booth directly on the sand.  Memorial Day
 weekend, definitely a party brewing just about everywhere right now.

It was really good to check out our old stomping grounds.
  Sit and watch the boats go by, but at the end of the day it felt so 
good to be going back home to where life is a bit less hectic.

The Carrie B, still in the same spot.  One of our 
condos was right across from it.  Brutus' first home.

Another favorite and where we also lived.  Lauderdale-by-the-Sea.

I ate way too many things that are "bad" for you, but I loved it all.

A trip to Fort Lauderdale is never complete without 
a visit to the Swap Shop.  Got my coconuts and a lot of
 mangoes, guavas, lychees, papayas and more.  I'm happy.

Looking forward to a quiet and relaxing day at home.  
A little outing later in the day, but for now we take it easy 
and relax.  Arvid found a couple of soccer games to watch so 
he's happy.  Sniff about to take a nap.  All is good at home.

This is a long weekend (3 day) for most Americans.  It's Memorial Day 
Weekend.  Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is a federal
 holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military 
personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Another beautiful start of the day.  Cool breezes and clear skies. 
 This is the full moon of yesterday.  Taken by Damon Powers Photography
  rising over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.  Just stunning/impressive.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend

America without her soldiers would
 be like God without His angels...
