Dec 20, 2022

Tuesday December 20th ~

 We are always getting ready to live but never living...

The other day while chatting with my radiation friends we 
all agreed on one thing.  Never wait until tragedy strikes to decide to
 live your best life. I have been guilty of that.  Tragedy is a sharp awakening
 of how fragile life is.  But I remind myself and now even Arvid says it 
 "we need to live for today" we cannot guarantee what tomorrow holds.
On that sentiment, cheers to everyday and to enjoying life.

Even though day 11 of treatment was not a good day for me.
 I know today will be better, but yesterday  it sure kicked my butt. 
 I have the burning of the skin, the nausea, the pain of my left side, a bad 
headache and that taste in my mouth that just does not go away.

Day 12 I am sure today has to be better.  Just wish the nausea
 and the bad taste in my mouth would go away.  So what
 if my skin is burnt?  Given time it will unburn 😂

You only live once, but as they say if you do it right
 it's all that matters.  This beautiful creation is another 
one from my sister Narima.  She does life RIGHT.

Good morning and a good day to all.  Countdown to 
Christmas begins and Sniff is all ready to rumble.

Some days all you need is a little alone time, and a beautiful 
sunset does not hurt.  Simple things in life are the best.

Brave thoughts, but am I ready to follow through on them...
