Jul 13, 2023

Norway Days~

Granddaughters, a beautiful reflection of
 yesterday a joyful promise of tomorrow...

 Our granddaughters are getting so very big.  Time sure 
does not wait for anyone.  The first time we saw them, our 
eldest, Aleah was outside waiting for us.  I got the longest 
and tightest hug.  Boy was I happy.  Then came Vanessa, another
 big hug for us. Amelia slowly made her way to us. Smiling all the 
time, but very cautious with her hugs, that is until we were ready
 to leave.  Then she just kept giving out hugs and high fives.

Today we all meet for pizza.  This has become a yearly
tradition.  Usually on the second day we take everyone out, but 
this year Michelle had to work, that's why we meet on day 3.
  That's good because I am still tired.  All I want to do in 
crawl into bed and sleep, last night I slept better 🙏

Yesterday Arvid and I finally got the internet working. 
 Always a good thing to have.  Now we can stay "busy" 
again with our different "chores" on our laptops.

I fell asleep for about an hour in the early evening, and when 
I woke up I was of course disoriented and looking for Sniff. 
 I can just picture his little face looking all over for us.

 To all a good day.  So far we are having a good time, I even
 managed to see a little of the sunset in between the clouds.  I'm happy.

Don't let your mind stop you from having a good time...
